Friday, October 3, 2008

Healthy weight loss

In order to successfully reach your weight loss goals, you first have a need to understand how to lose weight in healthy way. Healthy weight loss is attained neither through crash diets nor by too much of exercise. Understanding and adopting the healthiest way to loose weight is half of the solution to your problem.

In terms of food and exercise body needs slow changes. Following are some healthy weight lose Tips knowing which you can understand weight loss process better:
  1. Energy intake and weight lose
    Food is the primary source of energy. Our body stores excess of energy as fat that is provided by the food. So eating more food then required by the body for the daily activities and cell maintenance, you probably will gain more weight. So you have to burn this excess amount of calories in order to lose weight in a healthy way and you can do this by reducing the amount of calorie intake or by increasing your daily activities.
  2. Increasing the levels of activities
    Increasing the amount of exercise but maintaining the same diet and calorie intake helps in losing weight. There are lots of ways of increasing the amount of activities you do.
  3. Reduce the calorie intake
    Reducing the calorie intake helps in a great way in losing weight. If you are currently overweight, then you have to change your eating habits.
  4. Create your own diet plan
    You must see a dietician and take help in creating the perfect diet plan for you, which will provide you balanced diet and basic nutrients and also help you overcoming the hunger.
  5. Write your own daily plan
    After making a decision on what changes you are going to make write them on a paper. Maintain a daily diary of food items you have had and at what hour, this will help you regularize your food intake.
  6. Create your daily calorie maintenance level.
    Your daily calorie maintenance level is the key factor in creating your weight loss plan. As it is a key factor so it is very important that you must calculate this number accurately. It is based on many factors and is very specific to each person. As you note down the food and time you must also start interpreting what calories you have consumed by eating what. Educate yourself to the calories.
  7. Create your weight loss diet plan
    After knowing your daily calorie maintenance level its important to create your daily weight loss plans. Measure your weight once a week before the breakfast so that you can properly track your progress. At last, it must be kept in mind that calories you are consuming each day are coming from the right food sources.
  8. Continue losing weight
    At some point you may stop losing weight. When there is a small amount of weight to lose then it may happen that your weight loss might come to a stop. The reason for this is because as you gradually begin to lose weight, your body will start to change.
  9. Keeping the weight off
    Once you have lost that amount of weight you want to, you have to stick to the same currently working habits. You cannot go back to your old eating habits. Going back to unbalanced meals and less activity will put you into gaining weight again.

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